Divulge - Golang Key Value Pair DB Web UI (WIP)
Divulge "makes known" Key-value DB data. It's yet another Golang service with a simple UI for managing and operating multiple Key Value pair DBs written in Golang.
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/ric-v/divulge-keyvalue-db-ui)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/ric-v/divulge-keyvalue-db-ui)
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=ric-v_divulge-keyvalue-db-ui&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=ric-v_divulge-keyvalue-db-ui)
Simple DB CRUD operations service. Supports some golang Key-Value pair file based Databases. Upload the DB create a local copy and modify/view data and download the updates.
Download the latest release from here
- Docker must be installed download here
- clone the repo and run docker command
git clone https://github.com/ric-v/divulge-keyvalue-db-ui.git
cd divulge-keyvalue-db-ui/
docker build -t divulge-viewer:latest .
# to run and delete the container after stopping the same
docker run --name divulge-viewer --rm -it -p 8080:8080 divulge-viewer:latest
# or to run and keep the container
docker run --name divulge-viewer -it -p 8080:8080 divulge-viewer:latest
- Unzip / Untar the release
- Open the folder
- Run the .exe file (in the pop up screen, click more info > Run anyway > allow firewall access if the pop-up comes)
- The service will be available at http://localhost:8080/
- Unzip / Untar the release
- Open the folder in terminal
- Run commands:
chmod +x divulge-viewer-*-amd64
Home screen:
Home screen Dark side:
Upload/Create new DB:
BuntDB paginated view:
BoltDB view:
BoltDB view dark side:
Manage buckets:
Supported DB
Technologies used